Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing - Working with EMR and Digital Image Processing

 This week we explored and learned to work with ERDAS software, which is used for importing, displaying and analyzing images from aerial sensors. Though this software has been around for some time, learning the quirks and best practices was essential for beginning to analyze aerial images outside of ArcPro. In addition to working with ERDAS, we reviewed the types of electromagnetic radiation, and how wavelength, frequency, and energy are related as well as how this may influence a sensor's image of the Earth. By manipulating images in ERDAS and ArcPro I was able to discern and utilize different color models to focus on different points of image analysis. 

This map was created by selecting a subset of an aerial image from ERDAS and successfully importing it into ArcPro for further analysis and cartography. Note that "Cloud" is a type of cover, as it interferes with the sensor ability to see the ground.  

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